
Pi – X-ray Mobile Units

The Pl mobile radiographic units family covers all the specific needs of the radiographic examination at the patient’s bed, when he can’t reach the Radiology Department The two versions offer each one a different level of radiographic power (PIS-3,3 kW I Pl30-30 kW), by keeping anyway an absorption f energy from the mains, always within the limits of a standard mains plug. This mobile radiographic device achieves very short exposure times and consequently radiographic images not affected by problems of loss of resolution caused by the patient’s movement, even for examinations needing a very high level of dose. A microproces­sor controls the operations and manages the parameters for a correct exposure and for the fast detection and signaling of eventual malfun­ctions. The APR system allows a simple and quick use of the unit, by the possible storage of the most used exposure parameters. The wide balan­cing stand’s arm, gives the possibility of an easy setting of the Focus-Film distance. An adequate multi-leaf collimator, suited with a special tilting mirror, allows the precise centering of the X-ray beam, prior to the radio­graphic exposure.


The Pl mobile radiographic units family covers all the specific needs of the radiographic examination at the patient’s bed, when he can’t reach the Radiology Department The two versions offer each one a different level of radiographic power (PIS-3,3 kW I Pl30-30 kW), by keeping anyway an absorption f energy from the mains, always within the limits of a standard mains plug. This mobile radiographic device achieves very short exposure times and consequently radiographic images not affected by problems of loss of resolution caused by the patient’s movement, even for examinations needing a very high level of dose. A microproces­sor controls the operations and manages the parameters for a correct exposure and for the fast detection and signaling of eventual malfun­ctions. The APR system allows a simple and quick use of the unit, by the possible storage of the most used exposure parameters. The wide balan­cing stand’s arm, gives the possibility of an easy setting of the Focus-Film distance. An adequate multi-leaf collimator, suited with a special tilting mirror, allows the precise centering of the X-ray beam, prior to the radio­graphic exposure.